DVD-lab PRO is a program for professional DVD authoring. Using this program, you will be able to generate complete DVDs, with menus, titles, subtitles, audio and video.
The program starts with asking you for the type of project you are about to create: an NTSC or PAL video DVD. Once you have selected the type, you can begin adding content to your project. You can add several videos of various formats. The program will recommend that you let it demultiplex audio and video for better results. Then, it will run Audio Transcoder to ensure the audio and video are synchronized. After that you can start dragging and dropping audio, video and subtitles onto the timeline. You can select which subtitles will be available for each movie, and the alternative audio streams it will have. You will be able to divide videos in chapters, trim parts or whatever you need to customize them. You can build an introductory menu, choosing backgrounds, titles and links (for configuring subtitles or selecting the audio stream). Once you´ve finished, you can compile your project in order to burn it onto a DVD.